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New Release!


 In memory of my father,

Glenn Howard Hale



I'm so pleased to welcome you to my website. Feel free to grab a cup of tea or coffee and make yourself at home as you browse through the pages of my online home. Let's get acquainted!



Use the menu bar above to learn more about me on my bio page. If you're interested, hop over and read about my writing journey. Take a stroll through my book list, check out photos of some book clubs who've chosen my books for their studies, and don't miss some interesting reader mail on the postcards section.


I'll keep you posted on upcoming projects and release dates on the news page, and if you've got nothing else to do, you can scroll back through my blog posts to see what's been happening these past few years. On the OBT page, you can find links to the Elmo Jenkins book series written by my husband Ken, who writes under the pen name of McMillian Moody.


Thanks for dropping by!

A Christmas Peril
A Christmas Peril
Of Windmills & War
Beyond the Shadow of War
From the Ashes of War
The Runaway Pastor's Wife
The Demise
The Legacy
Blue Christmas
Memphis & Me
Confessions of a Prayer Slacker
Tea with Emma
Strike the Match
Home to Walnut Ridge
At Legend's End
A Christmas Peril
The Teacup Novellas
A Family Cookbook
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