From the Ashes of War
The War Series: Book 3

In the spring of 1946, Dutch war bride Anya Versteeg McClain is finally settling into her new life in Chicago with her husband Danny. Still fighting the toll of crushing loss during the war years, she struggles to find peace and wonders if marrying the former B-17 pilot had been a mistake.
Danny is troubled by her rollercoaster moods, but vows to do whatever he can to make her happy. Little did he know that would mean letting her go again. When an unexpected telegram requires her return to Holland, she leaves with a conflicted heart. Danny can only hope and pray she’ll come back to him. There in her homeland, Anya makes an astounding discovery that alters the course of her life.
From the Ashes of War continues the compelling story of a family’s journey from the heartache of war to the promise of hope and healing.
Available in paperback
nd on Kindle HERE.
In loving memory of my father, Glenn Hale
Releasing this third and final novel in my WWII series was truly a bittersweet day for me. Saying goodbye to these characters who’ve kept me company for several years now was hard, but I know where to find them if I'd like another visit.
Far more difficult was the passing of my father back in March of 2017, just a few weeks after I’d started writing this book. As you may remember, Dad was the inspiration for this series which originated with his service as a B-17 pilot in the last years of the war.
Which is also why it took me so long to return to writing this book. Now that it's finished and the series is complete, I admit I'm a little sad because it sure feels like another goodbye. And while very little of my father’s life is reflected in this last installment (except for the Fannie May Chocolates, that is), I’d like to think he would have enjoyed reading the rest of Danny and Anya’s story. In fact, I know he would.
In the front of the book I've included a personal note with a tribute to Dad. And if this is your first visit to my website, I invite you to read how this series originated by hopping over to the page for Of Windmills & War. There's also a page dedicated to Dad's memory which you can find that HERE.
Thank you so much for reading my books, but especially these three.
